Breaking Boundaries

Breaking Boundaries

Breaking Boundaries

The Science of Our Planet

Breaking Boundaries explains of the most important scientific discovery of our time – that humanity has pushed Earth beyond the boundaries that have kept Earth stable for 10,000 years, since the dawn of civilization. The documentary takes the audience on a journey of discovery of nine planetary thresholds we must not exceed, not just for the stability of our planet, but for the future of humanity. And most importantly, It offers up the solutions we can and must put in place now if we are to protect Earth’s life support systems.

The scientific journey of Johan Rockström and his team’s discovery of the nine planetary boundaries we must stay within, not just for the stability of our planet, but for the future of humanity. It also lays out four strategic priorities to save our planet.


The four priorities for action:

  1. Cut greenhouse gases to zero
  2. Protect the wetlands, soils, forests and oceans that absorb our impacts
  3. Change our diets and the way we farm food
  4. Move to circular economies

Please watch this compelling documentary. It connects the dots on how our natural systems, work and brings forth the importance of how our actions are directly affecting the worlds entire ecosystem. If you are like us, it will trigger introspective thoughts about what you can do to help stop the negative progression and start the work back to a balanced world.


  • Watch the documentary HERE

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